Saturday 11 September 2010

Summer placement (website mock-ups)

I thought I would include some of the mock-ups I produced for the Isle of Man Post Office's new website. As I said in my previous post - i had several guidlines and restrictions. These included:

  • Mail tracker search box
  • Isle of Man Post Office logo
  • 3 Pods
  • The Isle of Man Government link
  • The use of Red and Blue (I was given the spot colours)

I was pleased with all of my mock-ups. I was asked to produce the site with the elderly in mind. I tried to make the site layout simple and affective. I broke down all of the links which were previousl there (around 15) to just 4. Much more managable and easy to understand and follow. I feel with the limited colour pallet I worked the layouts well and I'm pleased to say one of the above will be gettin produced by a web-designer in the next few months.

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