Tuesday 21 September 2010

Re-brand (Jam & Toast)

I finally brought my head around to re-branding myself as Jam & Toast - and I'm so happy I did. I feel I will be able to be more inventive and experimental with this name than I could be with any of my other ideas. Below are the initial stages of the design process for Jam & Toast design. Because I have a growing passion for typography I decided this would be the best oppurtunity to show what I can do which is simple yet affective. I also want to play with the layout so that my final resolution can work with my business cards.

Belows examples are the initail design stages of Jam & Toast - at the time I was pleased with the progress I was making, however I felt the design was a bit flat and did not communicate my skills properly. But looking back it was a good process to try out different typefaces before I made my final decision.

As I said above - I feel these designs were too flat and would not compliment or give an impression of the work I can produce. Back to the drawing board.

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