Thursday 20 January 2011

Portfolio (First Draft)

In preperation for the visting professionals, I have prepared a draft portfolio. When I was building the portfolio and reviewing previous work, I found that a lot of the work I had produced, I was not actually comfortable with putting into my portfolio.
I managed to narrow my work down to six briefs that I felt reflected my design direction and worked alongside my personal statement.
Although in the previous module i produced 5 seperate identities along with stationary sets, i have only included 2 of these briefs as i do not want to exhaust the idea of being a designer purely for branding.
Producing this portfolio really is like putting down the foundations of whats to come. At thus stage i'm happy enough to recieve criticism from the visiting professionals as to what needs doing.

Although this is my first attempt at a portfolio, i feel it is a good starting point. Some of the work im not 100% confident with, however at this stage i know i have time to replace and re-organise the portfolio as needed.

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