Thursday 14 January 2010

Placement Research - Australia

So i have been looking into different design houses and studio's etc looking out for a placement. I would love to get a placement in Australia while im over there for a month in July, so i thought where is the harm in having a look? Below are several different design houses from Melbourne (Australia) which i am fairly interested in ... enjoy!
Girling Design (Below) Australian based design studio 'Girling Design' has a fairly complex website compared to its rivals. I originally found it misleading and hard to understand what i was actually choosing and looking at. However after really getting into it, i was amazed and loved every piece of work they had produced. This studio is on the placement hit-list!

Kinart (Below) Australia and America based 'Kinart' has a very simple website. Easy to use but clearly constructed for a follower of design to use. Their work reflects a lot of the style of which their own website is set out. This could be seen as negative, however i have been told, true designers only use two or three type faces and at times the usual colours. Beautiful website, and very professional work ranging across different media.

Lemonade (Below): A Melbourne (Australian) based design agency. I love the style and flow of their website. The work comes across at a very high and professional standard. This studio is on my hit-list of possible placements.

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