Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Graphic Design Blog

Another website which i have found before however never fully explored. I have found the website specialises in typographically lead design. I love the range of designs. They cover all different media and type design from 3d, hand rendered and the normal range of typefaces.

The designs are finished in illustrator but commonly seem to be based around hand rendered designs. The designs are unique and eye-catching, the colour pallets range from vibrant to subtle tones.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

D/N Design

D/N is a very professional design agency. Which covers a range of media and finishes from digital to print. Designs cover media including photography, digital illustration and typography.

Below: CD album cover which is clever with the cover design to the finish on the cd itself.

Below: The examples below also show that this design agency also builds websites for clients.

Below: A couple of poster examples which were produced for films and other media. I love the colours and the professional finishes this agency can create.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Brand:Nu - one of my top design sits keeps getting better and better. I love the finalised designs below which were used to advertise 'The London film museum'.
The designs are full of colour and energy, the images simple yet clever and the typography and layout very nicely finished.
This site could be used for inspiration a bit more often.

Monday, 12 April 2010

White Rhino - Australia

White Rhino is a well established design agency which has been run by two brother since 1999. Andrew and Jeremy Tibb have over 30 years collective experience in creativity, design and advertising. They started White Rhino to create a powerful creative service that delivered results.

Below: Several examples of work produced by White Rhino. Their work ranges from web design to design for print.

Below: A promotional pack for White Rhino which includes a comic book and a small cuddly toy.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Feedback from Agencies

It was time to send out that dreaded email to a selected 10 design agencies to try and gain some feedback on my work. I decided to send out and informal but straight forward email which reads how i talk. Along with the email i also sent out 6 examples of my work. Now i just need to sit back and keep my fingers crossed for some replies.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Fatfish - Australia

Fatfish is a design agency is Melbourne, Australia. They specalise in design for web however they also produce work for print along with some branding/logo design. Although i like some of the work which has been produced by this agency - their website has not been updated since 2008. The website has a nice layout, simple to understand and work around - however some of the images could be bigger - or more detailed.
Below: Design for print by Fatfish. The designs are very organic and aesthetically very interesting. I wish there were some images of these products in context.
Below: Logo / branding designs produced by Fatfish for existing brands.